Wednesday, July 31, 2013

For the love of Mashable

(Click on the picture to enlargen it)

As an avid follower of Mashable, this blog post was mandatory!! (albeit a bit late)

My obsession with Mashable began about 5 years ago when it was (it still is) the leading 'niche' blog for Social Media and Technology news, which has now grown into a full-fledged news site in the past couple of years. There were debates and criticisms around how Mashable is losing it's originality and is shifting focus in a desperate attempt to garner more followers, but in the process is losing some subject matter experts who had turned to Mashable for one-stop shop Tech news. But lets give it to them, they are a business who very well know how to keep it on the top of the game with a huge base of followers worldwide (the stats in the picture above speaks for itself). Also, news on a wide variety of other topics is an icing on the cake for me. They play it really well and it reflects in how every post goes viral within minutes of posting.

What I love about Mashable:

1. They keep it really simple. Be it in the design and layout of the site, the colors used in the website, ease of navigation and sharing, the fact-based crisp and to-the-point content that they bring to the people in a language that everyone understands.

2. Social Media Social Media and more Social Media plus Tech news. It is my one-stop shop for valuable and up-to-date Tech Social media news ever since I have developed a keen interest in this arena. No single day passes without having atleast glanced through the site. My only other addiction after green-tea. So much so that I could not help browse the app at a cousin's boring wedding recently (I am hoping he does not read my blog :-))

3. The new sections including Business (Advertising & Marketing to be specific), Entertainment, Lifestyle and Watercooler (enlightens one on new trends/tricks of the business world, lifestyle, travel, oh and also the memes and comic sections that I usually look out for).

4. The articles that have a memorable effect like the 'Top 10 reasons for...', '12 best..', '10 gadgets... ', and some of the whacky, bizarre and hilarious pieces of stories you will never forget.

5. Lastly, one of my favorite sections is the weekly mashable photo challenge that invites readers from worldwide to submit theme based entries and a guest curator will judge the top 10-20 best photos that will be featured on Mashable. I had two of my mashable moments from my various attempts at making it to the top 10.

To conclude, I'd only say - More power to them!! 

                            With love, Mashable fan-girl :-)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Bangalore in 360 Degrees

     Ever seen Bangalore come alive in various unexpected angles reflecting creative & meaningful perspectives hidden within the frames for you to explore?  Look no further - just dive into the Bangalore 360° - A Photo Carnival to take a whirlwind tour of the vibrant city Namma Bengaluru all under one roof.

To celebrate it's 5th Anniversary, Bangalore photowalk community is hosting this rare level of display of some of the best photographs of the city captured by it's members in the last 5 years at the Rangoli Metro Art Centre - M.G Road from 5th Jul till 14th July 2013. Rangoli Metro Art Centre is a novel gallery in town debuting with this photo carnival too. This sure is huge for us!!

What can you expect from this carnival? A picture speaks 1000 words they say and when you have plenty such pictures offering insights into the city's heritage, people, culture, nature, streets, cityscape, architecture and all things that make the city of Bangalore, need I say more?!

Being a proud Bangalorean and a member of the photowalk community myself, I could not wait to witness and be part of this historical moment - yes one of my captures is on display too! Growing up in the city, I have always been fascinated by the transformation it has witnessed (although not at the expected pace); be it in the diversity of people, the culture, infrastructure, urbanization and it's remarkable presence in the IT arena so much so that the garden city once known as the pensioner's paradise has now emerged as the country's IT hub and acclaimed as the Silicon valley of India. This is also the theme of my capture displayed in the exhibition. We have miles to go before some of the basic problems facing Bangalore can be filed off. For now, grab this opportunity to cherish some of the awesome images of the city - I had a wonderful time at the gallery exploring the city like never before, not to mention meeting & interacting with some amazing photographers and the organizers of the exhibition.

So what are you waiting for?


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